Niche down to level up

Find your niche. Get your offer and brand story straight. Up your game.
Three packages for different stages of your brand or business. See details below.
Get in touch if any questions. Penny x 🤓☕️


Find Your Niche⚡️
Power Hour⚡️

The fast one. One hour.
This is a problem solving-getting unstuck-energising-confidence boosting-focus creative blast.

For you if:

  • You need an expert outside mind to help organise your thoughts and ideas

  • You are feeling stuck and need fast breakthrough insights to help get you moving again

  • You need the clarity and confidence to know what direction and action to focus on next

What it includes:

Whatever it is that’s blocking your next power move and get you moving with a renergised focus. From directly useable top level messaging, a website review blast to a restructure direction for your offer suite. Get directed into a niche focus for your brand or business.

  • Price: £495
    1:1 zoom

    A packed uplifting session to find your niche. Get clarity on your business offer. Get what makes what you stand out. Get unstuck. Get a mega confidence boost with focus to go and level up your business game.

    Your head has been going around in circles for months – or longer. You are deep into what you do and now struggling to see clearly. Your mind is full, muddled and you know it’s holding you back.

    You have so many ideas and don't know where to focus or even start. You even now feel like you have no idea. Have an expert mind help organise your thoughts, ideas and develop breakthrough insights.

    Leave the session motivated and focused. Get out of the months of stuck. Move into uplifted and buzzing and get going with your new and improved plans.

    This is all about you. A time not to have to figure it out alone. You talk. I listen. We nail it.


Find Your Niche⚡️
Power Hour⚡️

⚡️3 for 2 OFFER⚡️

⚡️3 for 2 OFFER⚡️

The power down. One month.
Supercharge with a brand consultant in your pocket. Making the hard stuff fun and getting you unstuck.

For you if:

  • Your are struggling on your own with your own strategic thinking, vision making and message creating

  • You want support and guidance beyond the one power hour to help you nail where you are at and where you want to go

  • You need an expert partner to help elevate your thoughts and
    help steer your vision and ambition

What it includes:

This is expert mentoring and guidance when you are feeling really stuck. Sharpen up your brand postion with three sessions over a month with inbetween support. We keep this process simple and get you powered up with steps to follow as you go. No more struggling alone. With clear direction and support specific for you.

  • Price: £990 (worth £1,485)
    2 x monthly payment option available

    1:1 Zoom

    A month power down to get your brand and business focused and aligned to attract the right clients for you.

    It's all of the power with two additional sessions. We prioritise your biggest blocks you need to focus on for the month to make this happen. This can include brand direction on messaging, structuring your services, reviewing your website, reviewing your socials, guidance on photography. Or any other brand related business issue that come up.

    The only limit is the time we have – three hourly slots. And we make them really work for you.

    You action the work we cover in-between the sessions over the month. We review, refine and plan your progress together. I’m an email away for any questions that come up in between.


Your Niche in Words 😎



The deep one. Three months.
Total clarity on your niche with words crafted to power you and your business to the next level.

For you if:

  • You need an expert thought partner for a deep phase of brand development taking you to the next level

  • You want to explore, define and position your expertise to attract your ideal clients and open up new opportunities

  • You are ready to own your brand story and take the time to create the vision together for where this can take you

What it includes:

This is the signature package and for good reason. This is an invigorating deep dive into your business and brand. This is absolute clarity on your position and direction with the words to tell it. Your niche, your business offer, your offer suite, your people and your story. Also available for teams on request.

  • Price: £3,950*
    3 x monthly payment option available

    1:1 Zoom

    *teams from £6,950

    You may be starting from scratch. You may have got going to a cracking start and after a year now feel ready to get this sorted to take it to the next level. You may have been going for 10+ years, you feel times have changed and you want to pivot and reboot.

    We have fortnightly 1:1 sessions over a minimum of 3 months. With crafting in between as we develop your strategy, direction and get the right words to share it with who needs to hear it.

    We take the time to save time in the future. This is a considered approach with time to think, to feel and to process.

    This is you with absolute clarity on your direction and the words to tell it. Your niche, your business offer, brand purpose, mission, vision all clear. Your people defined. Your services thoughtfully structured and described. How you talk about yourself and the business. All in a tone of voice that sounds like you.

    No more doubt or tedious rewrites for every presentation, speaking gig or bio request. No more stumbling over your words at network events or sales calls. No more wondering what to put on your website, or even how it should be structured. You have a considered and consistent message, offer and story to share.

    A real and deserved investment in the future you and your business. This is you sorted so you can go and focus on owning your space and thriving in your niche.

Power of the ⚡️POWER HOURS⚡️ + BUNDLES

Words used by previous clients to describe working with Penny: Thought-provoking, affirming, enlightening, super easy, fun, uplifting, powerful and productive, amazing, frankness, clarity of thought, loved it, really helpful, insightful, completely understood, listened to, supported, seen and heard, warmth, humour, informative, educational, inspiring, practical steps, ideas sparked, business boost, fabulous.

Great words about YOUR NICHE IN WORDS 😎